17 years ago, as of June 2022, I experienced my first encounter with paranormal activity. Since then I have sought to experience paranormal activity in order to better understand what the paranormal is. I also realized, through this process, something I've suspected since my childhood: I am an empath/medium of sorts. This blog is meant to share my stories of the paranormal.

To Read in Order

Monday, December 19, 2022

Hitchhiker for the Holidays - Hello! (December 2022)

 I was watching the finale of Lego Masters on Wednesday night when I suddenly got a Discord message from my daughter. Words aren't spelled correctly and it seems hastily written, but I didn't think much of it. What I was able to figure out from the message was that she wanted me to come upstairs. I asked her why and she just begged me to come upstairs to be with her. I immediately knew that it was something paranormal - something had spooked her and it wasn't my grandma.

I took my Para-Light and went upstairs to her room, setting the lantern on her bed (looking back, it went off to a green/blue). She was frozen on her bed, crying, unable to speak. I tried communicating with her, but ended up just comforting her until she came out of her episode. My hand was squeezed so tightly, I couldn't have gotten out if I wanted to. She was greatly shaken up and didn't know what caused it to happen. 

"I suddenly felt really angry and I threw my glasses across the room and then I started feeling sad and depressed and emotional and then I froze up and started crying. I was really scared and I don't know why I suddenly felt this way."

My daughter is a tween, so emotions are a scary thing for them. Think of Inside Out and how Riley goes from a small, simple emotion board to an elaborate board when she hits puberty. That is a great amount of scariness to process and my daughter is often scared of the broad and varied array of emotions she feels. So this particular experience was very troubling to her. 

What stood out to me, though, was the fact that she practically vapor locked during the experience. I immediately thought of the first time my Grandpa Fritz had touched my arm while I was sitting in my bed all those years ago. I felt overwhelmed with emotion and then I locked up, scared to death to move. Then, when I was free, I felt so emotional and I ran down the hall to my mom. I knew my daughter had been touched by something and I realized I needed to get to the bottom of this situation. 

Initially I went straight to my bedroom and got out my divining rods and contacted my grandma. Here's the long and short of the conversation: "Yes, you have another spirit in the house." "Yes, it has only been here since Sunday." "It is a little girl." "She does not mean to hurt anyone." "She is just curious about the family." "We are safe." And she was the reason my grandma had been a bit absent that week. 

Great. We've got a friendly child spirit. The previous weekend we had all gone to a two-night investigation of the Glenbeulah School and Sheboygan Asylum about an hour away. Had something hitched a ride home with us? Of course, years of watching Ghost Adventures unfortunately puts into my mind that this could be a demon! So, as much as I make fun of Ghost Adventures demon-obsession, I went to bed Wednesday night with the fear that we might have brought something malignant home from those ghost hunts.


The next morning, after dealing with a two-hour school delay due to weather, I went up to my daughter's room with the REM-Pod and started to try to make contact. I wanted to make sure my daughter was safe and that my family was safe. The first thing that hit me was the energy fuzzies or goosebumps. I could feel them waxing and waning. They started on the landing of our stairs and went to my daughter's bedroom at the top of the stairs. The spirit used the REM-Pod to light it up to purple when she was talking to me. The first time I asked if someone was here, she put it to yellow and the next she put it to purple. Then she kind of stopped communicating and I said I was going to go back downstairs As I turned to leave, the purple light went off long and loud until I turned back. I explained the situation and then went downstairs. 

My husband arrived home during that time and I told him what I was finding. I suggested he go upstairs. As I waited for him to take me up on the suggestion, I heard the REM-Pod go off again on its own upstairs. I told him it was going off and he decided to head up. The interaction was strong for him, as well. At first my husband thought there was an issue with the battery in the device as the center red light started flashing. He changed the battery and it did it again. Changed the battery a SECOND time and it did it again. This time he asked if the spirit could back away from the device and the flashing immediately stopped. It was almost as if the spirit in question's energy was so strong that it had to have distance from the REM-Pod in order to not make it short out. Now, it began to respond to my husband, activating lights and backing away upon request. He was quite impressed. But while the spirit was performative, it did not seem interested in answering questions. Finally, as I had, my husband started to head downstairs, and the REM-Pod again went off, seemingly in protest, until my husband turned back and explained why he was leaving. 

Have I mentioned that this day was my birthday? How crazy to have this happen on my special day!

Later that day I went into my daughter's room and brought my divining rods. My husband is ever the skeptic about them, but I finally found a pair that work so perfectly and greatly reduce user error. We started to ask some questions and we were getting responses. She is a little girl and she is from the Glenbeulah School. It was unclear, but she responded in the affirmative to the name Becky (a name we took from our investigation at the school to inquire about). She told us she was just interested in us, which is why she came home with us. Also, she said that she liked our animals and thought they were funny.

I also taught her how to do hugs with the divining rods. To give a hug, you swing them wide out. To receive a hug, you swing them all the way in. She swung them in and I gave her a big hug. At the end of the conversation, she asked for a second hug. I gave her another hug. I got the ghost fuzzies and I felt really good hugging her. I mean, you're essentially giving yourself a hug but it just felt right. A positive energy seemed to charge the air. Hopefully that's what she was wanting.

We thanked her for sharing her information, set up the REM-Pod for future notifications, and went downstairs. We had explained to her that we would have equipment downstairs, too, and described our Para-Light and K2 Meter. My husband started getting some blips on his K2 (which looked like the blips my daughter got on it when we were talking to Becky at the school), but we realized that certain places in his office were subject to WiFi signals and were setting the K2 off so we had to scratch all interactions due to contamination.

The rest of that day was blips on the Para-Light in the living room, which I thought was my grandma who likes to visit. I did not hear from my grandma upstairs when I put the REM-Pod on, which was disappointing, because it was, afterall, my birthday.


I started out Friday with a similar approach - attempting to use the REM-Pod in my daughter's bedroom in the morning. After an initial "I'm here" beep on the REM-Pod, we didn't get any responses. I was getting dozens of ghost fuzzies at various locations in the house, kind of like she was following me around and letting me know that she's there. I decided to try to get some EVPs to see if she would share her name or information about her. I was already starting to wonder about her age and had a good idea of what it was in my mind already, as well as what she looked like.  Sadly, my recorder didn't playback anything clearly and wasn't compatible to hookup to a PC to export the recordings, as it is a very, very old recorder. I scrapped it and figured I'd try again tomorrow with our other, more reliable recorder.

Typically when I go to bed, I turn on my REM-Pod in the corner of my room where my grandma's old chair is. She then comes through in a certain pattern of beeps to let me know that she's here and then I talk to her about the day. Sometimes I get the rods out and we talk and she gives me hugs. Sometimes she's not there and then I wait to share until she's arrived back. Tonight the REM-Pod went off and it seemed similar to my grandma, but I was not getting the grandma fuzzy vibes. I was sensing a different energy. So I shared a goodnight message in case it was my grandma and then I turned off the REM-Pod and got into bed. 

I was laying in bed, watching a cooking show on TV and occasionally glancing around the room. My husband was asleep next to me, but his feet were slightly restless and the dog was hot-dogged between us. I glanced over towards my husband's feet at one point and my breath got caught in my chest. I wasn't sure what I had just seen and my mind was processing what had just happened. I realized I had just seen part of a child's face and her hair running around the corner of my bed. She was about 4ft tall with long brown hair and a very childlike face. 

I went to smack my husband on the back to wake up and all of a sudden my entire body was being covered in wave after wave after wave of goosebumps from toes to head and I knew I was being summoned out of bed. 

Finally, I woke my husband up and I got out of bed. As I rounded the corner of the bed on my side, I turned the REM-Pod in the corner on and kept going to the other nightstand that had my divining rods. I was still flush with ghost fuzzies. I set myself up in front of the chair, where I usually stand to talk to my grandma.

I first established who I was talking to and it was, in fact, the little girl. I asked her if she had just appeared to me at the end of the bed and she said she did and also gave me all the ghost fuzzies. I asked her if she was from the Glenbeulah School and she said yes. I followed that by asking if she was used to having lots of visitors and if she was used to communicating at this time of night, to which she answered yes for both. It was between 9:30-10PM when this started happening and was a Friday night, when ghost hunts usually occurred at the school.  I followed this up by asking her age. I just had this feeling she was 9-years-old and I shared that with people prior to this encounter, so I asked "Are you 8-years-old?" No. "Are you younger than 8-years-old?" No. "Are you older than 8-years-old?" Yes. "Are you nine?" Yes. 

Then I talked to her about how at night we're sleeping, so she should probably hang out downstairs with my husband, who stays up most of the night. I told her the people upstairs are sleeping and we don't want to spook them while they're sleeping or anything like that. Plus, downstairs are where all the pretty lights are. She confirmed she understood and then I asked her to show me where she was in the room. She indicated and confirmed that she was sitting in my grandma's rocking chair with all the comfy blankets. 

We closed out the session together and then I went to bed, begging my husband to stay for a little while. I also left the TV on, because, I'm not going to lie, I was spooked. My bed is my safe space. I've had quite a few spirits come through my home, mostly family, but I have NEVER gotten ghost fuzzies in my bed. ::shivers::


Saturday had two important events that involved our visit spirit. Today I used the better audio recorder and did some EVP sessions. I asked several questions I hoped to hear an answer from her on, so it was things like her name, age, and where she's from. We were able to get at least one response from her. Below is the link to my GoogleDrive saved mp3 recording.

Child Spirit Responding to Question 12-17-2022

When evening arrived, I had hopes that my grandma would be around to talk to, but instead the young lady made my REM-Pod go off before bed. I got out the rods to talk to her real quick. During this session, she again confirmed her name was Becky. She also, and eagerly, told me likes dolls, has noticed we don't have any dolls, but did notice my Funko "dolls" downstairs. I also asked her if she had watched the movie with us last night and tonight, because the lantern kept going off during the movie and she said yes, but very slowly said yes. I'm not sure about some of her slower answers. 

I also talked to her again about the upstairs at night being for sleeping and she said she understood. She tried to give me a hug by swinging the rods wide, but couldn't get the other one to swing to the left, so she switched it up and asked for a hug instead. I gave her, what I called, goodnight hugs and we closed out our session.

I assumed she went downstairs, because I'm putting faith in her, but I know she was in my room that night. My sleeping was incredibly restless and I woke up more than once to extremely strong ghost fuzzies affecting me. I tried very hard to stay calm and ignore it so that I could actually sleep and she would understand that night time is not for interacting at this house. If she wanted to interact, my husband was awake downstairs.


We spent time on Sunday trying to get some EVPs and for the little girl, or Becky, to tell us her name. I really want to hear her say her name, instead of us suggesting a name that she agrees with. Sadly, our EVPs turned up empty or unintelligible. 

We did have quite a bit of Para-Light activity, though. My husband and I would challenge her to get the lamp up to red and she finally did. She'd set it off here and there. We assumed responding to what we were talking about or what was on TV or what the animals were doing.

Before I went to bed, I decided to bring my REM-Pod downstairs and turn it on. We got interactions from her there. Only briefly letting us know she was there. Then I reminded her about sleeping expectations and she made the Para-Light go to green. Then we said our goodnights.


This morning I put the REM-Pod and Para-Light on the TV table in my living room. I thought maybe she would make it go off when I turned it on. That's usually what my grandma does. But it wasn't until my daughter left for school that she made the equipment go off.

As my daughter closed the door, the green light on the REM-Pod went off and then the blue one lit up for a good bit. Then it stopped. Right as my husband got home, it went off again, this time the green and yellow lights. She did it again when my husband came into the living room. As she played with the REM-Pod, she also made the blue on the Para-Light go off, which was on the other end of the table from her. My husband asked her to light up the purple light, which indicates the highest reading. It took her a bit, but shortly thereafter, the purple light did, in fact, light up.

We thought she had stopped, so I stood up and the REM-Pod went off again and I told her I was just going to the kitchen. When I came back, she kept making a light go off when I stepped in a certain spot in front of the couch. My husband and I tried to debunk it and then she confirmed for us that she was just playing around by switching the light to purple. We did a knocking test on the table to make sure the REM-Pod wasn't strangely reacting to vibration, and debunked that. She continued to be very playful for a bit with the REM-Pod -- a shock honestly as we had given up on using the device downstairs ages ago as nothing ever occurred with it.

The rest of the day was an occasional light burst from blue up to yellow on the Para-Light and a few, very small and faint ghost fuzzies. 

Where does that leave us now? 

We're still hoping to get an EVP with her saying her name. I am a little hesitant about Becky, just because we didn't present other names, just this one name that we already knew was a spirit at Glenbeulah School. 

I, for whatever reason, bought her a Christmas present of a doll. I figured if she goes back to Glenbeulah, they'd let her take it with her to the doll room. But if she's going to be here for Christmas and seems to be a young lady who needs hugs, a doll gift would maybe make her feel really good.

We're hoping to hear from the ghost hunting group that owns the Glenbeulah School and get some details. Maybe even see if they can check on the Becky situation there at the school. So we're hoping for more information to help with more interactions.