Over 20 years ago, I experienced my first memorable encounter with paranormal activity. Since then I have sought to experience paranormal activity in order to better understand what the paranormal is. I also realized, through this process, something I've suspected since my childhood: I am an empath/medium. This blog is meant to share my stories of the paranormal.

To Read in Order

Friday, March 7, 2025

Curious Passerby (3/5-3/7/2025)

I promised myself that I would record my experiences, even if they're small. It not only helps to look back on the experience, but it provides information about what is happening at my home. It also empowers me when trying to best understand how my gifts work.

Wednesday morning I was sitting at the kitchen table and I looked to my right into the living room. I'm not sure why. Maybe I was looking for the cat. But as I moved to turn back to my work, I saw a brief white reflection on the television. I thought it was strange, but I tried to recreate it and couldn't. I figured if it was something trying to get my attention, there would be other experiences to validate this one. I let it go.

About twenty minutes later, my dog, Logan, starts barking down the hallway. He's standing on our runner rug staring down the hallway barking, like someone is coming in through the doors. But I don't see or feel anyone at the time. I encourage him to quiet down and I try to get back to work.

Within 5 minutes I am hit with a large blast of ghost fuzzies from my feet up my legs to my back. And I had this weird sensation of being told off. Like, that dog shouldn't be barking at me. And I feel compelled to reach out. I mean, three things just happened, so I'm going to reach out to learn what is occurring. 

I grounded myself and then used my divining rods to try to communicate with whatever spirit has entered the house. I started by explaining what this equipment does, how to use it, and what my goal is for reaching out to them: Learn who you are, your intentions, and if there is anything I can help you with. 

The spirit crossed the rods to notify me that they were present. I asked if they were a man or a woman - woman. I asked if they were from Winneconne - they were. I asked if I could help her with anything - she said no. I asked if she was just walking around and passing through - she said yes. I asked if she was surprised someone noticed her - she said yes. And this whole conversation was information that was passing through my mind and I was just asking the questions, developing a picture of this woman. It was agreed that she meant no ill-will and was just passing through, didn't need any help. I felt the hesitation in her use of the rods growing more as the conversation went on. So I pulled back and wrapped things up. 

But that didn't help me figure out who she was, so that I could personally honor her in my own way, since I met her. So I checked out the recent passings in our local community and I wasn't finding anyone that felt right. I checked recent burials and the same thing there... nothing was feeling right. I was about to abandon the thought, when I felt compelled to turn to my spirit guides.

I started out by asking my guides if they knew her name and could help me. They confirmed that they could, so I shared, one at a time, the three new names I had pulled from my research. My guides said those were not the person. I asked one of the names one more time, because it was a name that was making itself known to me in different ways, but they said it's not the name of the visitor I had. Then I start having thoughts that I need to ask.

I asked if they were from the area - they are. I asked if they were cremated - they were. Did they pass on this year? - no. 2024? - no. Before 2020? - no. 2023? - no. 2022? - no. 2021? - yes. Is she under 70-years-old? - no. Is she in her 90s? - yes. 

I turned back to my computer to use the information to help narrow down who it might be and I immediately found someone on my local funeral home website who even felt very familiar, like I had met her, but I had never met her. I asked my guides if Marie E. is the woman who visited me and they confirmed it was her. I asked a few other ladies, but those were no. Does she often just wander around through homes? - yes. Is she happy doing this? - yes. Does she have access to her family and friends on the other side? - yes. Was she surprised that someone noticed her in their house? - yes. 

As I read through the entire obituary for Marie E. I saw things like "interment" and that she lived in Winchester, which is in our area, and was active at the one of the local Lutheran churches.  

Her obituary references her desire to travel and see the world and maybe that's what her time now is spent doing. I just know I surprised her when I reached out to her, as she was not anticipating someone here being able to interact with her, so maybe I've been the first and by having this exchange, she'll be able to go forward and maybe reach out to others she wants to communicate with. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Frontier Hotel - Pawhuska, OK (February 2025)

Triangle Bldg, Pawhuska, Okla from FrontierHotelPawkhuska.com
Triangle Bldg, Pawhuska, Okla from FrontierHotelPawkhuska.com

The Frontier Hotel in Pawhuska, Oklahoma is a boutique hotel across the street from the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond's, The Mercantile restaurant. There is no better description for this hotel than being at the heart of Downtown Pawhuska. And its unique design lends itself to the beauty of the historic environment. According to my research this building was one of the first fire-proof buildings in Oklahoma (one of five in the US at the time), having been built as a five-story "flat-iron" building in 1912. During its time it housed lawyers, jewelers, beauty shops, tobacco stands, doctor offices, and other commercial businesses. The interior design is ornamental Art Deco, truly embracing the early 1900s in the United States. The rooms are converted from offices and have decadent down-home touches throughout. Even the keys aren't plastic. 

Taken from The Mercantile side of the street.

I didn't choose the hotel for any paranormal reasons, but I do enjoy the historic revival that the rise of boutique hotels has offered travelers. It has been my experience that spirits are everywhere and don't need to be in historic locations, but that spirits are often drawn to places that allow them to feel grounded and part of the day-to-day bustle. This is not a definitive statement, but absolutely envelops the results of my hotel investigations. 

Entryway Lamps

It was over a 12 hour drive to the Frontier Hotel from home. I checked into room 304, an Osage King room. 

I was feeling pretty tired after I got checked-in and sorted dinner, but I wanted to at least do a little mini paranormal session in my hotel room. I started putting equipment out and while I was setting down the last cat-ball, a cat ball on the table in between the two chairs went off and I received a HUGE blast of ghost fuzzies (I guess everyone just accepts these as goosebumps, but I find them to be so very different from goosebumps). I asked if whoever was there could make it go off again, so that I knew someone was here with me. It did not, but as I walked into the room, I just kept getting so many ghost fuzzies, in bursts, all over. So I switched off the lights and settled myself on my bed with my K2 meter and I let everything settle for a few minutes. But I kept getting these “images” when I looked up and to the left. Like, not straight on, but not out of the corner of my eye, I saw a male shadow standing by the mirror and I got a big old dose of ghost fuzzies when I looked up to try to see more clearly. But it had disappeared. 

I put the cat ball right in front of the sign.

Finally, the ghost ball went off again on the table between the chairs. I asked it to come closer and make my K2 meter go off, because it might work easier for communication (those cat ball lights can go off for a long time, as they are designed for cat play after all). I received a very small spike and then nothing, but I was continuing to pick up on the energy in the room. Since the various equipment did not seem to suit the spirit’s fancy, I got out my divining rods. First I tried to clear my mind to receive any information the spirit might be trying to pass me and then I used my rods to clarify the information that was being shared with him. 

The mirror next to which I saw the shadow.

I won’t go through the whole Q&A experience, but by the end of it, I was able to learn the following information:

The spirit is a man named Michael and he was the shadow I briefly saw at the mirror (so also about 5’10” in height). He was born and raised in Pawhuska and was raised as a gentleman. This came up in regards to respecting the privacy of visitors, especially of the female persuasion. Michael said he worked here in the 1930s, when he was fresh out of school. He was involved in office work, but not lawyer work. But he died young in the 1950s. He shared that he had a sudden heart attack (the images in my mind were of my father and when he had an aneurysm). He shared that he knew this building well and came back here, because he finds peace being downtown among the people. Michael said that spirits do come and go from the building and that he is not the only one, but that this evening other spirits didn't seem to be around. Finally, though, we got down to business. The reason that he wanted to get my attention was to let me know that I had put a pillow on his chair and he was hoping that I would remove it so that he could continue enjoying that particular chair. 

After I promised that I would remove it, we agreed to respect each other’s space and privacy, and we ended our session. I got up and put the pillow somewhere else and after that all communication, including ghost fuzzies, ceased for the night. I slept well enough, even though I did wake up once and looked towards the mirror, thinking someone was there. But I felt no danger and no ghost fuzzies and I went back to sleep.

It was a fine visit. If I hadn’t been so tired, I would have loved to have investigated other parts of the hotel and I have so many questions about the architecture, but it had been a long trip and I had another long day of driving ahead of me. So maybe next time.   

The long pillow is the one I needed to remove from the chair.