17 years ago, as of June 2022, I experienced my first encounter with paranormal activity. Since then I have sought to experience paranormal activity in order to better understand what the paranormal is. I also realized, through this process, something I've suspected since my childhood: I am an empath/medium of sorts. This blog is meant to share my stories of the paranormal.

To Read in Order

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Two Dark Men (January 2023)

 My sleep was restless. I remember a point in my night where I was unhooking my Fitbit band from my wrist (which is no easy feat when you can't see it), but I was later woken up by a loud noise and without opening my eyes, I realized I had thrown my Fitbit onto the floor and it hit a box next to my bed. I didn't open my eyes to confirm this. I just knew that's what happened. I debated over getting it and refused, because it felt dangerous to lean out of bed to retrieve it. Later that same night I awoke and stretched down to get the Fitbit and I struggled to put it back on without opening my eyes. Then I fell back asleep and fell into an incredibly weird dream that was uncomfortable for me as it had to do with my old job and my old coworkers. 

Finally, I woke up from this night of restless and disturbed sleep. I went downstairs and I shared with my husband the strange events that happened. Then he told me our daughter had experienced a troubling night as well. 

My daughter had woken up around midnight and told him there were two men in dark shadow staring down at her. One of them had been wearing a hooded mask. She said they really scared her and it had been hard to get out of bed. She finally made it downstairs to tell my husband, who then soothed her and sent her back to bed. 

Hearing this hit me oddly, so I went to check my sleep record from the night from my Fitbit, knowing that a portion would be missing due to taking it off. I discovered that my strange wakefulness activities started at 12:30am and extended until around 3:30am. So if my daughter was freaked out around midnight, what was stopping the spirits from coming down to my room and harassing me in my sleep?

I thought back to that night and I remembered that at some point I woke up, because I was experiencing extreme goosebumps all over my torso. This is not something I am used to feeling in bed, as my bedroom had been considered my safe space until Becky arrived. Even with Becky, though, she and I established that at night I'm sleeping and I'm in my personal space. So to have this feeling in the middle of the night was greatly disturbing and I knew it was a spirit of some sort next to my bed, touching me while I was sleeping. Something was trying to get my attention.

I meditated on the situation for a while, trying to mine my subconscious for anything that I wasn't remembering. Suddenly I was hit with something of a "download" of information. I saw two men. One was shorter than the other. They weren't "living" in my house, but visiting, and I felt like they were from the cemetery about a half mile up the road. Immediately I took to my divining rods and wanted to talk to my grandma about the situation, maybe seeing if the information I downloaded was fitting into the greater narrative.

My grandma wasn't there to answer my questions. Sometimes she's gone during the day. I asked for Becky to see if she could help me with anything and, my goodness, she knew what I was talking about. 

Becky informed me that it is two men. They only show up every couple weeks or so. Their intent is to behave like boogeymen and they try to scare and disturb people. She's seen them in our home before, which made me think back a few weeks to another really difficult night that I had. I started to wonder if that had been them, too. Becky shared that they've been in Isabelle's room and my room. She said that they are not good men, but they just visit when they feel like it. 

I thanked Becky for her help and sat for a bit processing the information and also looking at what supported my own mental download of information on them. Then I sent my daughter some messages to find out more details about what she saw. I figured she could answer during her lunch/recess time when phones were allowed, but it turned out she forgot her phone. So I had to wait until she got home to get to the bottom of this information.

When she arrived home, she answered the questions I sent her, but apparently my husband had sent her the same questions, so all the answers went to him. I had asked her which one wore the mask and was the mask a half-face mask. She sent this picture to my husband:

Then she explained that the mask was just like that, but without the mouth, nose, and eye spots. My husband joked, "So basically Slenderman?" My daughter doesn't believe in the existence of Slenderman (When my husband asked, "You know Slenderman is just fiction, right?", she scoffed and responded with, "Obviously.") but she knew who he was and what he looked like, so she agreed that that would be an accurate description of what she saw. No, we are not operating under the assumption that Slenderman is haunting our house and we will not be entertaining that theory either. Dare I mention that we're from Wisconsin and the Waukesha stabbings are not lost on us. But my husband and I were around for the invention of this popular internet "creepypasta", and while we're *fans* of the monster and its lore, it's just fun fiction. Nevertheless, she saw what she saw so we'll roll with it for now.

My daughter did confirm that one of the men was shorter, wearing a top hat of all things, and the taller one was wearing the creepy mask. She couldn't make out their clothing, so she wasn't sure if one of them was wearing tweed. She said they were just looming over her and then just disappeared after a couple seconds. 

After processing everything, here is my acting theory on these two men:

They are two men who come from the cemetery about a half mile up the way. One of them is taller than the other. They have chosen to behave like boogeymen and get a kick out of "scaring" people. We're not the only people in the area that they've done this to. I feel like they had gone to other houses in our neighborhood as well, especially a certain house on the corner of our neighborhood. When we drove past the house, I felt like they were a prime target for these two men. I also felt that these two men did not know each other in life, but met after death and are from the older part of the cemetery. The other night was not their first time meeting us, but they've been coming to our house for a few years now and we just weren't tuning into what was causing these restless and disturbing nights. The other spirits leave these two spirits alone, because they are so hostile and nasty. They come late in the evening, sometime between 11PM and 4AM, when people are most likely asleep and easily manipulated. My husband has never had any negative encounters, but then he is almost always awake during these hours. I don't feel the taller one always wears a mask, but I feel like he changes up his look to scare different types of people. The shorter one I picture in a tweed jacket and the taller one is in a black suit. 

So I guess I'll have to keep aware of when these spirits come to my house. Since writing this, it has been brought to my attention that they have returned within a week. This time they were focused on my daughter in her room, but she didn't have anything happen to her. I guess we need to stay ever vigilant and if things get really bad, we will look into how to stop them from coming to the house. 

Coming up on Ghost Stories: These lurking men get a taste of their own medicine.

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