17 years ago, as of June 2022, I experienced my first encounter with paranormal activity. Since then I have sought to experience paranormal activity in order to better understand what the paranormal is. I also realized, through this process, something I've suspected since my childhood: I am an empath/medium of sorts. This blog is meant to share my stories of the paranormal.

To Read in Order

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Graveyard Pinging (January 2023)

Lately I've been working on opening myself more to understanding my sensitives as a medium. I've learned that I'm incredibly sensitive to various energies, which is what gives me so many "ghost fuzzies" as I like to call them. It's not quite full-blown goosebumps, but it's this almost indescribable tingle. Becky knows that I can sense her, so she triggers these "ghost fuzzies" in me often. Right now, as I type this out, she is standing next to me sending out her vibes. I've also been working to distinguish the different types of "fuzzies" the ghosts project on to me. For instance, my grandma only sends out a certain type of "ghost fuzzies." I know that when they are of that intensity and in those places that she's near me. The same goes for Becky. But I'm learning, as I understand the location of a "ghost fuzzy" is not a fingerprint. Becky is so active and energetic that sometimes what I feel from her is like what I feel from my grandma, but never vice versa. She seems to have a wider spectrum through which she can interact with me. When I was hunting this past summer and fall, I also realized that "ghost fuzzies" are a way to acknowledge a spirit in your area. 

So today I wanted to put this tingle to good use and try to "ping" some ghosts. What I mean to say is that I believe I can attune myself or open myself up to feel the "ghost fuzzies." That means I just put myself in a calm state and I focus on who I want to make contact with. I've done this with my grandma before, because it's hard to have two ghosts in your house sometimes. I was hoping to try it at my mom's house, where I know there is more than just my mom there. 

As we drove past the cemetary on our way home, I felt this pull. I immediately blurted out, "We should go ping there today for those mean guys." My husband didn't sounded excited about pinging anything, but I was driving, so I turned the car right to head towards the driving entrance. As we drove the two blocks to the entrance, I tried to calm myself and open my mind, focusing on the two men who were in our house, specifically their residual energy that I had picked up on. 

I drove on the snowy path focusing my energy and then all of a sudden, I got a hit. It was a faint hit, but I tried to process it. Was it the masked man? Maybe. I decided to drive on to see what else turned up before committing to every ping I made. This was, after all, still the beginning of the drive into the cemetery. 

We continued forward, past the military memorial flags, down towards the end of that side of the cemetery. I passed the Mueller mausoleum and shortly after, I pinged again. This time it was strong and sharp, coming at me from the left side of the car. I stopped and I immediately knew in my mind that it was the Tweed Man. I turned to my husband and said that his grave was somewhere in this area of the cemetery. I sat there for a moment trying to process. I wasn't getting much more than the sense that it was him and that he was buried in this area, so I moved on around the U of the drive and came up the other side. 

Slightly past the area on the other side from where I pinged the Tweed Man I let out a little gasp. Something had tried to scratch the left side of my cheek and neck. When I raised my hand to feel it, nothing was there. My husband asked me what was wrong, but I told him I didn't want to talk about it. So we kept driving and as we got closer to the exit, I told my husband we should take another turn around to make sure my pings are right.

Back around we went. This time I got a stronger ping from the Mask Man. I stopped and my husband took a picture of where I stopped (for future reference). I wasn't getting much from the ping, though, but it was definitely him. I could see him in my mind and he didn't look happy with me. 

We drove down farther to where I pinged the Tweed Man. I stopped where I felt like stopping, which wasn't perfectly where I was before, but something said stop there. I was pinging like crazy, even more than the previous time around. I stopped next to a grave for someone named Robert and the name and grave stone really grabbed at my attention. It made me wonder if that was actually the Tweed Man's grave. It felt too new to be his, but the name resonated with me nevertheless. My husband took a picture.
I also had a mental image come to me of the two men hanging around the mausoleum. That's where they like to hangout and plan together. It allows for them to get a great view of all the houses across the way from the new cemetery. This was their stomping ground when not out trying to harass people at night. Sadly, I also had a gut feeling that, since they weren't happy with what I just did, they might make an appearance at my house tonight. They typically target my daughter, but now I think I put a target on my back.

After that I knew it was time to hightail it out of there! We honored the 15mph speed limit, but I was ready to go. And as we drove down the exit lane, I started to feel funny. I was getting ghost fuzzies that weren't the two dark men. They were other spirits from the cemetery. I felt really uncomfortable and I admit that I sped up a good bit to get out of the cemetery. These ghost fuzzies were coming from the exceptionally old part of the cemetery. I began to think opening up had drawn attention to myself, made me a beacon of sorts. I was not quite ready for that.

I breathed a sigh of relief to be out of the cemetery and nothing bothered me as we drove down the longer stretch next to the cemetery. But as we turned onto our street I was taken over by ghost fuzzies. Full body ghost fuzzies. I stopped the car and loudly declared, "Anyone who is in this car with us is not welcome and needs to go away, unless you're Becky." The fuzzies went away, but I still felt uneasy.

We walked into the house and as I walked towards the kitchen I was overtaken my full body fuzzies and I called out again that if you were not my grandma or Becky you are not welcome here. I even went for my recorder and was going to do an EVP session, but the dogs were being too loud and noisy for that. So I got out my divining rods and I asked Becky if she was with us in the car, to which she said no. She also confirmed there were not others in the house and she gave me the ghost fuzzies when I walked in. I apologized for yelling at her and we ended our talk with a hug. 

This experience made me feel incredibly empowered about my own abilities. I've been spending time trying to understand what I am capable of and it's starting to blossom. I am also proud to have walked away from this understanding more about the two dark men. I believe I've pegged them as all bark and no bite. They just want to scare people to make themselves feel good. They don't have the energy to actually hurt someone.

It's hard to treat today's exercise as a full-blown success without taking a leap of faith. I have no way to verify the feelings I had or information I believe I gleaned from my encounter. That said, I think I have suppressed whatever ability I have for far too long. I need to learn what I am capable of and try to trust in it. Perhaps someday soon an opportunity will present itself where my feelings and the evidence we uncover will coincide.

1 comment:

  1. Are there intentions of helping them move on? Also, would you mind if someday I go sit in your mothers backyard?
